Become A Sponsor

Support the greatest St. Patrick’s Day parade in the nation by becoming a Sponsor. We offer multiple sponsorship levels to provide businesses and individuals with a variety of ways to support our mission while gaining meaningful exposure.

Your sponsorship helps support:

The parade. This big-time event comes with big-time expenses, including permit fees, police protection, traffic control, sanitary facilities, and more.

The Community. Once the parade is paid for, all additional proceeds go to local charities such as Little Sisters of the Poor, Gillette Children's Foundation, Our Lady of Peace Home, the St. Paul Fire Department, and more. Our goal is to donate at least $10,000 each year.

Additional Fundraisers. Throughout the year, we host multiple fundraisers that your sponsorship helps support. These events such as the Big Button Auction and the Wearing of the Green have become traditions for the Irish community.